Drupal 9 Upgrade & Support

Higher Education

Support and Maintenance

Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 Upgrade
Zoocha started working with Falmouth University during February 2021 on the support, maintenance and hosting of their main platform, which receives up to 100k visitors per month. As a reputable higher education institution, Falmouth University required a Drupal support solution that would be capable of managing peaks in traffic and a large quantity of content without compromising performance.
After completing the initial technical audit and recommendation matrix, Zoocha assumed the management of the Falmouth University site. This partnership has involved working closely with their digital team to offer full transparency into the performance of the service and 24/7/365 support for critical incidents. Through regular service desk reviews, Zoocha have provided dedicated insight into the service desk each month, including the quantity of tickets raised, SLA adherence and site performance.
The Falmouth University platform had also been sitting on an outdated Drupal 7 architecture that required an upgrade to Drupal 9, as our partnership progressed, it was decided that Zoocha would take on this development. Zoocha therefore delivered the ‘like for like’ upgrade of the Falmouth University platform alongside support, ensuring the delivery of any enhancements that Drupal 9 offered along the way.
Technical highlights
Across the initial 12 month period Zoocha have successfully resolved over 100 service desk tickets within SLA. Additionally, the Drupal 9 upgrade has resulted in performance optimisation with average page load times being consistently quicker since launch by 38%.

Falmouth University“We have found that Zoocha’s expertise was exactly as they described in their pitch; they have consistently provided good back-end and front-end development with far less bugs and issues than our previous partner. We’ve also enjoyed excellent uptime with our hosting. Their Account Management and Project Management is clearly defined and successful within their agency, an essential aspect of agencies which is often undervalued. As the product owner I have found them transparent, friendly and easy to work with.”